
Turning 21!

Proactive Marketing has turned 21! 

I remember turning 21 like it was yesterday. I was a senior in college and excited to be traveling to New York for job interviews with investment banks. I was living each day to its fullest and required little sleep. 

I was even more excited 21 years ago as I started my most recent position - as an entrepreneur and founder of Proactive Marketing, Inc. The business model - outsourced strategic marketing for professional services firms - and name had been brewing for about four years. I was at a crossroads in my career, 5 months pregnant, and eager to help successful professionals boost their firms' growth and equity values; to be PROACTIVE about marketing! 

Fast-forward 21 years and Proactive Marketing is stronger than ever and I'm no longer pregnant (that baby is almost 21 and eagerly exploring her career opportunities). I am immensely grateful for the clients and professional colleagues who have inspired and trusted me over these years. They made my dream a reality. I truly love what I do and the many professionals I get to collaborate with daily. 

I am extremely happy to have launched this website on our 21st anniversary! I hope you find it helpful and my Blog (Get Inspired) inspiring! I'd appreciate your feedback - contact me here.

PS - I recently relocated to Boulder, Colorado where the norm is to ski, bike or hike in the morning before starting work. Now, that's inspiring! 

With deep gratitude,


January 1, 2023